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7 Tips On How To Stop Hair Breakage!

Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I will make a small commission, at no extra cost to you. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind, learn more.

How to stop hair breakage is no easy feat, I know first hand!  I’ve been dying my hair blonde for about 10 years now and have dealt with some major breakage issues.

After I came back from Portugal last year I started to notice that my hair was getting shorter at an alarming rate.  All the sand, sea and sun did some serious damage, and my hair was really taking a beating.  It was then that I decided to apply these 5 easy tips to stop my hair from additional damage.  Over the past 4 months my hair has begun to grow again and there’s no breakage in site!

How to stop hair breakage

Tip 1: Cut of the dead ends

I couldn’t do a post on how to stop hair breakage without mentioning this.  With that said, this is by far the hardest step.  I don’t know about you, but cutting my hair has always been a challenge for me.  I always thought my hair would grow faster if I didn’t cut it – what a lie!  This is the most important step to growing hair faster.  What I would recommend is asking your hair dresser to cut off all the dead, broken ends.  The amount of length that will come off will depend on how damaged your hair is but this step is so important to getting your hair to grow again!

Tip 2: Protect

Once you’ve cut off all of the dead ends, you need to start protecting you hair from sun and heat damage.  Before I blow dry or straighten my hair, I use a heat protectant.

Here’s the one I recommend, it was over 22,000 positive reviews on amazon and really works!

amazon finds, heat protectant, how to stop hair breakage

Click here for the heat protectant on Amazon

Tip 3: Be cautious of Protein

 Using a shampoo, conditioner or hair treatment with protein can help to strengthen hair, however too much protein build up can actually lead to an increase in hair breakage!  I have one hair treatment that is protein based that I use every two weeks, however on a regular basis I try and stick to products that increase the moisture in my hair.  If you’re using a protein based product I recommend switching between products so that you can avoid protein build up.

Protein treatment that I use:

how to stop hair breakage

 Tip 4: Lock in that Moisture!

 There’s a couple of different tricks you can use to lock in moisture.  Try to avoid washing your hair every day and instead wash it 3 times a week.  With that said, you probably are thinking you should use dry shampoo on the off days.  Dry shampoo, like it sounds, will severely dry out your hair so if you have a moisture problem put the dry shampoo away.
I recommend using a moisture hair mask once a week.  Here’s my favourite:
how to stop hair breakage, hair help, hair tips, hair moisturizer

Tip 5: Go natural when possible!

Now that summers here there is no better time to let you hair breath.  I’ve started to wash my hair at night and let it air dry while I sleep.  Try and give your hair a break from all the styling tools when possible!  This will help keep the dryness at bay!

Tip 6: Use a Wet Brush

Using a wet brush is one of the top things I can personally recommend when growing out your hair.  A wet brush is gently on your locks, which leads to less breakage.  I’ve noticed a huge difference since using mine.  It’s also a really affordable way to stop hair breakage.

wet brush, how to stop hair breakage, hair breakage, hair help, hair tips

Click here to see it on Amazon

Tip 7: Sleep on a silk pillow

Sleeping on a silk pillow is a really easy way to help your hair.  When we sleep your hair can get caught on your pillow which leads to breakage.  This is typically why your hair is shorter in the back (ring a bell?). By using a silk pillow case this helps the hair be protected which leads to less breakage.
This is one of the most highly rated things I have ever seen on Amazon.  It has over 100,000 positive reviews.  If you’re looking for a silk pillow case this is the one!
how to stop hair breakage, silk pillow case, the best silk pillow, amazon finds
I hope all of these tips help you on your journey to stop hair breakage!

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